New faces at stappone!

Edwé Cowley and Martina Eisenhut

It’s time again for a little update on what’s happening behind the scenes at stappone. We are very happy about our two new team members. Welcome to stappone Martina Eisenhut and Edwé Cowley!

At stappone, we had a clear vision right from the very beginning: to deliver innovations. That is exactly what we did with our medically certified devices. For example, with STAPPONE Rehab, we are revolutionizing partial weight-bearing management. But behind an innovative product there is always an innovative team. The combination of different strengths and nationalities is important to us.

Therefore, we are very happy about another strong team member from South Africa – our freelance firmware developer Edwé Cowley. He has been developing mainly firmware for various medical and devices for ten years. At stappone, he will primarily focus on firmware for the sensors.

His first contact with stappone was through our great co-worker Nicole Howard, whom he met while studying at Stellenbosch University near Cape Town, South Africa. After Edwé Cowley stumbled across some interesting stappone LinkedIn posts, he decided to learn more about the company and subsequently applied.

In his free time, he enjoys cycling and loves to play the piano.

His motto: “Adventure is just bad planning” by Roald Amundsen. Indeed, Edwé Cowley’s goal is to have as few “adventures” at work as possible.

In addition, Martina Eisenhut provides strong support from Austria in data science. Her areas of responsibility include, for example, the preparation and analysis of data as well as programming in Python. She successfully completed her master’s degree in physics at the University of Vienna and started now her professional career at stappone.

“The first few weeks at stappone have been very interesting. I am excited to see what’s more to come and to learn a lot. The whole team is very friendly and made me feel super welcome.“

Benefits for patients

With our stappone products, we primarily want to help patients and support prevention.

This aspect is also important to our new team member Edwé Cowley: “One of the main reasons I look forward to working for stappone, is the opportunity to contribute to a product that has clear, tangible benefits to the wellbeing of the end-users. After having worked on a series of products that only exist for legal compliance reasons and which only add value in an abstract sense, I find it refreshing to work on something that can impact people’s lives in a relatively direct, positive way. “

We are excited to be working with a strong, international team on a shared vision!


Do you have questions about the use of our stappone products? Contact us! We are always at your disposal.

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