Innovative Insoles for Neurorehabilitation in Focus at the DGKN Congress in Frankfurt 2024


Innovative Insoles for Neurorehabilitation in Focus at the DGKN Congress in Frankfurt 2024


The DGKN-congress in Frankfurt from March 6 to 9, 2024, provided an inspiring platform for experts, physicians and therapists to exchange insights on the latest developments in clinical neurology. Under the overarching theme of “Toward Personalized Medicine” companies like stappone showcased technologies with the potential to support the therapy of neurological disorders.


Gait Analysis and Therapy Optimization in the Context of Personalized Medicine

Stappone`s sensor insoles, integrating patented textile sensors and accompanying software, enable state-of-the-art wireless gait analysis, offering significant advantages in neurorehabilitation. By capturing temporal and spatial gait analysis parameters, this technology provides a detailed representation of individual gait patterns. This analysis is pivotal not only for identifying gait anomalies in patients but also for objectively assessing progress during rehabilitation.

The gait analysis data collected by stappone insoles support physicians and therapists with valuable insights to make informed diagnoses and develop personalized therapy plans. These data facilitate an objective evaluation of gait behavior and support tailored rehabilitation strategies to meet the unique needs of each patient. Continuous monitoring of therapy progress allows for adjustments, ensuring more effective and precise neurorehabilitation. Consequently, stappone insoles play a pivotal role in advancing personalized medicine in neurorehabilitation.


Engagement with Neurologists and Researchers

During the congress, insightful discussions revolved around the application of stappone sensor insoles in clinical neurology, particularly in treating Parkinson’s patients. Researchers recognize the potential of utilizing the generated data to craft customized therapy plans and monitor progress more effectively. Similarly, deliberations encompassed gait analysis in disease prevention and early detection, leveraging stappone sensor insoles.

For inquiries regarding stappone product applications, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are readily available to assist you. Join our LinkedIn community today for regular updates on stappone, technology and medicine!



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