stapp one sensor soles in practice use: interview with a physiotherapist

One of the areas of application of the intelligent stappone sensor sole is physiotherapy where it can be used for many different assessments. Whether rehabilitation with partial weight-bearing training, preventive gait analysis or running analysis for (professional) athletes – stappone provides objective data and valuable services. Physiotherapist Jürgen Ableitner from Competence in Motion (CIM) in Graz gives an insight into his work with stappone.

CIM’s physiotherapists have been using the medically certified stappone sensor soles in their practice for over two years now. They are inserted into a comfortable shoe and measure the patient’s foot pressure load, while the corresponding medical software provides visual live-biofeedback and other relevant movement data, such as the body’s center of gravity, cadence, gait phase, etc. In the interview, CIM physiotherapist Jürgen Ableitern talks about his in practice experiences with stappone.

Quick and easy to use

Jürgen Ableitner regularly uses stappone in his practice during physiotherapeutic interventions. It often happens that he spontaneously wants to take a measurement, which is very easy with stappone. Ableitner emphasizes the good interaction between hardware and software and praises the fast connection between medical software and the wireless sensor soles.

“Until I can start a measurement, I need 5 minutes maximum, and that already includes connecting the soles and filling in the patient’s data. It’s really fast and you don’t need much preparation.“

Objective movement data

Assessments with the stappone sensor soles can be objectively evaluated. Until now, it was only possible to perform gait analyses with the naked eye or you had to rely on time-consuming and costly analyses in the laboratory. With stappone sensor soles, gait analyses can be performed quickly, easily and independent of location. Another major advantage is that this allows the natural, unbiased gait to be analyzed under everyday conditions.

“When I perform a gait analysis with stappone sensor soles, I objectively see the pressure gradient force on the foot and its behavior, and I’m not just dependent on my subjective perception. I also really like to work with the center of gravity curves and how the roll-off line behaves on the insole, because that says a lot about the foot – whether there is a certain amount of scatter, for example, or the foot shows a certain amount of instability.“

Exact running analyses

Jürgen Ableitner uses the stappone sensor soles not only in the field of rehabilitation, but also for running analyses with athletes. The location-independent use of the sensor soles is a great benefit. “I like to do running analyses outdoors so that I can examine the real-life running style. Outdoor running and running on a treadmill are just two totally different things.” explains Jürgen Ableitner.

“We combine outdoor running and indoor running on the treadmill because it allows for an even more focused analysis and provides more data, depending on what detail you want to look at more closely. Patients are very excited about the amount of information we can provide them with.“

Do you have questions about the use of stappone? Contact us! We are always at your disposal.

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