Therapy Experience with STAPPONE Sensor Insoles


Therapy Experience with STAPPONE Sensor Insoles

In modern therapy and rehabilitation, the integration of innovative technologies that are not only effective but also seamlessly integrated into the treatment process is crucial. In this context, the physiotherapy practice Therapie im Knotenpunkt has established itself as a facility providing high-quality therapy and individualized care.

Rapid Application for Efficient Results

Therapie im Knotenpunkt prioritizes efficient therapy approaches tailored to the individual needs of their patients. During a trial phase, they tested STAPPONE Physio in their therapy routines. Following training, therapists were able to capture objective gait data during therapy sessions using STAPPONE sensor insoles.

Clear Visualization for Enhanced Understanding

Visualizing movement and loading data using STAPPONE sensor insoles provides “Therapie im Knotenpunkt” with detailed insights into the movement and loading patterns of their patients. This enables therapists to objectively track therapy progress and develop individualized treatment strategies based on each individual’s specific needs.

Cyclogram for Objective Gait Analysis

For instance, the use of a cyclogram in gait analysis has proven particularly helpful for “Therapie im Knotenpunkt” therapists. It aids therapists in precisely identifying biomechanical deficits and planning targeted interventions to optimize their patients’ rehabilitation.

An Addition to Progress Documentation

The continuous recording and analysis of movement and loading data through STAPPONE Physio serves as a valuable addition to progress documentation in therapy. This allows therapists to track their patients’ progress and adjust their treatment plans accordingly to achieve optimal outcomes.

STAPPONE products support patients, orthopedic specialists, sports physicians, and physiotherapists in achieving faster rehabilitation, objective diagnosis, and comprehensive treatment. Do you have questions about the product? Contact us! We are always available to assist you. Join our LinkedIn community now and stay updated on the latest news from STAPPONE, technology, and medicine!



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